Buy tickets for April 2024 Eclipse activities at Ron Coleman Mining. In addition to our regular activities, we will have live music, vendors and food trucks. Make plans to attend our Eclipse Festival, April 6-8, 2024.
Don't miss viewing the April 8,2024 Solar Eclipse at Ron Coleman Mine. If you do, you'll have to wait until 2045 for the next opportunity! Plan to dig your own crystals, zip-line, meet the author of a well known rock encyclopedia and many more activities every hour.
Dig your own crystals on St Patrick's Day at Ron Coleman Mining then watch the World's Shortest St Patrick's Day Parade in historic Downtown Hot Springs National Park
Ron Coleman Mining is selling crystals at the 2023 Tucson Gem & Mineral Show. #2023tucsongemshow #roncolemanmine #crystalswholesale #buydirectfromthesource
When is the best time to dig for crystals? Check the average temperature in Jessieville, Arkansas and choose to visit the month with the average temperature you prefer. Some people can handle the Arkansas summer heat and humidity better than others.