How Chrysanthemum Stone Is Formed
Chrysanthemum Stone was formed from geological changes in the Permian age of the Paleozoic era, from high temperatures and the compression of thick layers of organic-rich mud at the bottom of the sea. As strontium sulphate (Celestite) and calcium carbonate (Calcite) oozed into the mix, continued pressure and deposition allowed spectacular radial lath-like crystals to form that remained as flower patterns.
Over time, these mud deposits were compacted and buried under layers of sediment. The heat and pressure from the overlaying sediments caused the mud to transform into limestone. As this transformation took place, mineral Inclusions, such as Andalusite and Celestite, crystallized within the rock. The white pattern on the rock is formed of crystals of celestine (or celestite), a strontium-sulfate mineral. Celestine commonly forms elongate crystals of the form seen here, although these are fairly rare in that they’re so thin and on the surface of another rock.
These “flower” crystals consist of Celestite, Calcite, Feldspar or Andalusite, while the black, or sometimes brown, base rock of Chrysanthemum Stone is comprised of Dolomite, Gypsum clay, Limestone or Porphyry.
The stone may naturally expose the flower, though marketed specimens are often highlighted by selective painting of the black matrix with a dye to accentuate the pattern, or it may be carved away or sandblasted for emphasis.
Chrysanthemum stone is a sedimentary rock
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