Group Rates At Ron Coleman Mine
Group Discount Rates
Are you tired of the same old field trip destinations? Look no further, as we've discovered a unique and exciting option that will have your students digging for treasure! Crystal digging excursions are educational and provide a fun and memorable experience. And the best part? Schools can score group rate discounts on these trips. By collaborating with Ron Coleman Mine, schools can plan a cost-effective and engaging field trip that excites students about geology and science. So, grab your shovels, and let's unearth some fun at Ron Coleman Mine!
Ron Coleman Mining also offers discounted rates for crystal digging, a crystal mine tour, and our single or unlimited zip-line pass to large groups of 4-H, scouts, youth church groups, and mineral societies! To make it easier for chaperones to keep an eye on their group, we have a private crystal digging area and pavilion for groups of younger children.
To request to reserve for education, church, or mineral society groups (15 or more adults are required for a group rate for mineral societies) or to learn more about our many services, rates, amenities, facilities and educational opportunities, complete the Group Reservation form (do not make firm plans until confirmed). We will contact you to let you know if the date is available.
Group discounted rates may not be combined with any other discount.