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Ron Coleman Mining

Single Green Malachite Lapidary Rock Specimen

Single Green Malachite Lapidary Rock Specimen

Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
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 This beautiful Malachite specimen is not cut or polished.  It's in rough form.  Malachite is a green-copper carbonate hydroxide mineral with a chemical composition of Cu2(CO3)(OH)2. It is one of the first ores used to make copper metal. Malachite is not thought of to be of much importance today as an ore of copper because it is usually found in small amounts & can be sold for and used for other things & ways such as jewelry. Malachite has been used as a gemstone & sculptural material for thousands of years as well and is still very popular today. Today, it is most often cut into cabochons (beads) for jewelry use.

Measurements are approximately: 2 inches long, 2 inches wide, & 2 inches tall.

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